
LuTMA Membership

Membership in the Lutheran Transitional Ministry Association (LuTMA) is open to leaders who are or have been involved in transitional ministry in Lutheran congregations or other Lutheran organizations, along with those who seek to support this vital Lutheran ministry resource.

Basics of Membership

  • Charter year (2021-2022) membership is complimentary (free) for all applicants.
  • Annual membership runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
  • Annual membership fee of $20 (for future years) is due by July 1st.
  • Annual membership fee may be paid directly to LuTMA, or in the case of IMC members as part of their IMC membership.
  • For those who successfully complete LuTMA training in the previous year, first year of membership is complimentary (free).

Benefits of Membership

  • Formal participation in high quality training for transitional ministry, especially for those in Lutheran contexts;
  • Opportunities for networking with other practitioners of transitional ministry working in Lutheran contexts;
  • Reduced cost of attending the LuTMA annual conference;
  • Reduced registration cost at LuTMA advanced training sessions;
  • Free access to all LuTMA ministry resources (publications, Facebook chat room);
  • Voting privileges at the annual LuTMA business meeting; and
  • Eligibility for service on LuTMA Board and Committees.

To submit your application for LuTMA membership, click on the following link:
Membership Application

LuTMA members may also wish to maintain membership in their denominational organization. Membership may be made directly with the organizations through the website links, or, for those who wish to renew their denominational membership, dues may be paid through the LuTMA registration form.

Interim Ministry Association, ELCA (IMA-ELCA)
Contact at

Individual Annual Membership Dues: $50

Individual Life Membership Dues
Age 55 and younger: $600
Age 56-60: $420
Age 61 and older: $300

Interim Ministry Conference, LC-MS (IMC-LCMS)
Contact at

Individual Membership Dues: $75
District Membership Dues: $300