Annual Conference

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2025 Annual Conference

A conference on family system theory within a contemporary context was a process of diving deep into memes (not just the cute graphics with quippy sayings) that form our thoughts and reactions. Ed Henley explored memes, family systems and biblical stories to illustrate our reaction (and the people of Jesus’ time) to what we see, hear and do.

Legacy Churches and Partners in Sacred Places

Conference Presenter:
The Rev. Dr. Rochelle A. (Shelly) Stackhouse

Interim clergy engage with congregations around transitions of all kinds, often focused on leadership, governance, and mission. In addition to these crucial tasks, interim clergy often are called on to look at buildings and property: how property is currently used or underused, the costs of maintenance, repairs and restorations, challenging issues around historic preservation, and the possible need to "transition" all or part of a property.

The Rev. Dr. Shelly Stackhouse of Partners for Sacred Places will address these issues, including lifting up how church property has a mission interwoven with the mission of a congregation, exploring both its challenges and vast opportunities.


Conference begins June 17, 2025 at 1:00 pm
Conference concludes June 19, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Registration will open by December 1, 2024


Maritime Conference Center
692 Maritime Blvd,
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090

5 minutes from the Baltimore Washington International Airport BWI
Maritime offers shuttle service.

Additional Information